Friday, July 31, 2009
BM week, Drama Komsas Competition Day. The great 5Sc1 took part too. They did Kerusi.
Srisegala -Jusween
Masayu- Wei
Putra - Liang Boy
Tuta I- Juin
Tuta II - Lee HY
Tuta III- Khoo Bee
Wira I- Vliam
Wira II- Sheety
Wira III- Fai Yan
Director - Lyecye
Erm, what should i say? Wira-wira did a great job! I was wondering, how bad our drama will be?
Tuesday, i didnt go to school again. Just listened that they did a practice on that day. The first practice. Wednesday, the competition day. Saw them pracrice.
WOW! The wira-wira memorized all their section of play! Very well. Haha..funny!
Today, annouced the winner, but we are not. Its ok. I don't know how to describe the feeling but its great. Just a word for them, cool!
Eeww~ think again. Its last day of July. Last year of mine with this fellow friends.
Monday, July 27, 2009

Isabella "Bella" Swan moves from sunny Phoenix, Arizona to rainy Forks, Washington to live with her father, Charlie, while her mother, Renée, travels with her new husband, Phil Dwyer, a minor league baseball player. Bella attracts much attention at her new school and is quickly befriended by several students. Much to her dismay, several boys compete for shy Bella's attention.
When Bella is seated next to Edward Cullen in class on her first day of school, Edward seems utterly repulsed by her. He disappears for a few days, but warms up to Bella upon his return; their newfound relationship reaches a climax when Bella is nearly run over by a fellow classmate's van in the school parking lot. Seemingly defying the laws of physics, Edward saves her life when he instantaneously appears next to her and stops the van with his bare hands.
Bella becomes hellbent on figuring out how Edward saved her life, and constantly pesters him with questions. After tricking a family friend, Jacob Black, into telling her local tribal legends, Bella concludes that Edward and his family are vampires who drink animal blood rather than human. Edward confesses that he initially avoided Bella because the scent of her blood was so desirable to him. Over time, Edward and Bella fall in love.
Their relationship is thrown into chaos when another vampire coven sweeps into Forks. James, a tracker vampire who is intrigued by the Cullens' relationship with a human, wants to hunt Bella for sport. The Cullens attempt to distract the tracker by splitting up Bella and Edward, and Bella is sent to hide in a hotel in Phoenix. There, Bella receives a phone call from James, who claims he is holding her mother captive. When Bella surrenders herself, James attacks her, but Edward, along with the other Cullens, rescues Bella and destroys James. Once they realize that James has bitten Bella's hand, Edward sucks the venom from her system before it can spread and transform her into a vampire, and she is then sent to a hospital. Upon returning to Forks, Bella and Edward attend their school prom and Bella expresses her desire to become a vampire, which Edward refuses.
New Moon

In the months that follow, Bella learns that thrill-seeking activities, such as motorcycle riding, allow her to "hear" Edward's voice in her head. She also seeks comfort in her deepening friendship with Jacob Black, a cheerful companion who eases her pain over losing Edward. Bella discovers that Jacob is a werewolf. He and his fellow werewolves protect Bella from the vampires Laurent and Victoria, the latter of whom seeks revenge for her dead mate, James, whom the Cullens killed in Twilight.
Meanwhile, a series of miscommunications leads Edward to believe that Bella has killed herself. Distraught over her supposed suicide, Edward flees to Italy to provoke the Volturi, vampire royalty who are capable of killing him. Alice and Bella rush to Italy to save Edward, arriving just in time to stop him. Before leaving Italy, the Volturi tell Edward that Bella, a human who knows that vampires exist, must either be killed or transformed into a vampire. When they return to Forks, Edward tells Bella that he has always loved her and only left Forks to protect her. She forgives him, and the Cullens vote in favor of Bella being transformed into a vampire, to Edward's dismay. However, Edward gives Bella a choice: either she lets Carlisle change her after her graduation, or, if Bella agrees to marry him, he will change her himself

Bella and the Cullens realize that the murders in Seattle are being committed by an "army" of newborn vampires, controlled by Victoria. The Cullens join forces with the werewolf pack to combat this threat. As everyone else prepares for battle, Edward, Bella, and Jacob camp up in the mountains, hidden during the battle, where they are later joined by Seth Clearwater, a young member of the werewolf pack, to wait out the fight.
In the morning, Jacob becomes upset when he overhears Edward and Bella discussing their engagement and threatens to join the fight and get himself killed. To stop him, Bella kisses Jacob and comes to realize that she also loves him. During the battle, Victoria tracks Edward's scent to where Bella is hidden in the woods, and Edward is forced to fight. After Victoria and her army are successfully destroyed, Bella explains to Jacob that while she loves him, her love for Edward is greater. After receiving a wedding invitation from Edward (even though Bella didn't want to send one, because she didn't want Jacob to feel obligated), Jacob runs away in his wolf form to escape his pain, angry at Bella's decision to become a vampire.

The second part of the novel is written from Jacob's point-of-view, and lasts throughout Bella's pregnancy and childbirth. The Quileute werewolf pack, not knowing what danger the unborn child may pose, make plans to destroy it, even though they must kill Bella to do so. Jacob vehemently protests this decision and leaves, forming his own pack with Leah and Seth Clearwater. Bella soon gives birth, but the baby breaks many of her bones and she loses massive amounts of blood. In order to save her life, Edward changes her into a vampire. Jacob, who was present for the birth, almost immediately "imprints"—an involuntary response in which a werewolf finds his soul mate—on Edward and Bella's newborn daughter, Renesmee.
The third section of Breaking Dawn shifts back to Bella's perspective, finding her changed into a vampire and enjoying her new life and abilities. However, the vampire Irina misidentifies Renesmee as an "immortal child", a child who has been turned into a vampire. Because "immortal children" are uncontrollable, creating them has been outlawed by the Volturi. After Irina presents her allegation to the Volturi, they plan to destroy Renesmee and the Cullens. In an attempt to save her, the Cullens gather vampires from around the world to stand as witnesses and prove to the Volturi that Renesmee is not an immortal child. Upon confronting the gathered Cullen allies and witnesses, the Volturi discover that they have been misinformed and immediately execute Irina for her mistake. However, they remain undecided on whether Renesmee should be viewed as a threat to vampires' secret existence. At that time, Alice and Jasper, who had left prior to the confrontation, return with Nahuel, a 150-year-old vampire-human crossbreed like Renesmee. He demonstrates that the crossbreeds pose no threat, and the Volturi leave. Bella, Edward and Renesmee return to their home in peace.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Facts About Me
Birth Day

Birth Month

Learn to appreciate, fucking asshole. Don't simply just ask people to go away. Is she the one you can ask her to come and go away as you like? She is a human too. What is she to you?
Everyone is having a trying period too. Not only you, she also and everyone too. Hey fucking asshole, life is definitly not a bed of roses. Not she don't want, but she can't. Try to understand her. You're the one who made her become like this. Did she ever blame on you?
You're the one who created those fucking trouble. She work so hard for you. Do you know? I really want to know, what is she to you? Fucking asshole, you're not the first time made her sad, made me angry and mad!! Don't hurt her, please. Just learn to appreciate. Care her more. Learn to appreciate those women beside you.
Maybe you won't know im so mad about this now. But i think is the best thing and way to vent my anger out. Ya, my article is full of fucking words. So what?! Its just my crap. Im kinda temperamental taday. I just can't calm myself down. Whatever you scolded her, she listened intently with the patience of a saint. Don't treat her like a nonentity. She will never retaliate you back.
I told her to retaliate, but she just ignore me. Why? Because she really care about you. Oh, i guess i should control myself. I just stop here, prevent i say anything amiss. Last word again, learn to appreciate.
Monday, July 13, 2009
You're one of a kind.
You can make me feel very happy and yet very sad too.
I am here to listen to your voice of grouses.
Trying to be close to you is very hard.
I can't understand you.
I am very glad to see you here.
Trying to talk to you.
Simply find brainless topic to....
What your response?
I thought your the one.
But is it someone do care?
I don't know.
You make me feel yes and yet no too.
Yes, im emo-ing.
Im stupid, i know.
Happiness, sadness..
We or only me,
Answering a simple question,
Its hard for me somtimes.
Im not very good in expressing my feeling.
The Coconut Tree
We all are good students, no choice but tie up our hair like stupid ass. Coconut trees can be found anywhere, anytime.
Im kinda emo now. Just now better, now is complete different. I don't know why. Maybe PMS, PreMenstrual Syndrome. I can feel my tummy a bit ache-ing. Girls have to suffer every month for what? Well, menstruation pain not too close with me. Sometimes but bearable.
Saturday, 11 June 2009
Received a message from Jho, our EST teacher, Pn. Jaswant Kaur passed away.I was so shock to see the message.It woke me up from my sleep.Seriously, she was not very close with our class, but she still our teacher. I did feel empty. Went to Ipoh tuition as usual. To and back. The routine. During the journey back to Kampar, in the bus, we met some nerds. They were disturbing us, but we just tried to ignore them.My feeling towards this kind of people, a word to describe, CHEAP!
Night, GB Anniversary. BBQ at church. 6.30 pm have to reach there.Guess what? We still can't BBQ at 8pm! When to third floor, the band room. The four of us, Me, Chaki, Betty and Jho sharing our secrets. I just love girl's talks. Gossip is another story, its different.I didn't eat at all. Around 9, Joey fetched me home, bathed and chill out!
Our Saturday's promise. We promise we will meet each other on Saturday night. At least one day of the week. Went to Station R to have my dinner and chit chat till 12 +. Went to West Lake then, another fantastic place for chatting and unwind yourself. Its raining that night. Can't sit there, but we did for awhile. Sitting under the crying sky, chatting, i love. In the car, camwhore for few minutes. Then 'long kai' , one of our habits. To Mambang Diawan, to Jeram actually but passed by, to Gopeng then back home. When i reached my home, i realized its already 2am.
This non-blood-related-sister of mine, well every moment we spent together is something i wanna treasure very much. No boundaries between us. We share whatever we want. The pyramid of friends you told me, luckily i'm not one of them because we are sisters! Love ya~
Monday, July 6, 2009
My heart and mind is argueing whether is should enter this competition or not? Its really annoying. I understand the words " NO PAIN, NO GAIN"
Its completetly different with what i think. Where's my strength and courage? I just feel like giving up. But i should make a try. I should. I should, should and SHOULD.
Maybe this makes me learn more about life isn't it? There are obtacles we have to face everyday. But we should learn how to deal with it. I guess we should.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Life is..
If you ask me, how's your life?
Its just a crap. Doesn't have a good family like what others own.Its broken.
Sometimes, envious just filled in me. Seeing others with happy family.
But, all is a fact. Just have to accept it.
I have 10 bet bets,
each with very special personality,love you all so much,
What i hope for?
Friends forever!
The question, I'll answer next time. With my idea and description. ^^
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Just A Try
Its a great opportunity. Just a try, it doesnt hurt. Maybe my art cant feat with others, but just a try. ART is special and unique.
one by one,
every single line,
you created,
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Its July
Time just flies. After project, now its time to study, do revision for SPM.
Please wake up. Its really July now. You really have to study! Get more As!
Worker harder on those subjects you're weak in.
Wake up. Most of the time, teachers keep on reminding us to study!
Form 4, I wasted.
Form 5, must work hard!
Babe! Go Go Go...