Tuesday, July 14, 2009



Learn to appreciate, fucking asshole. Don't simply just ask people to go away. Is she the one you can ask her to come and go away as you like? She is a human too. What is she to you?

Everyone is having a trying period too. Not only you, she also and everyone too. Hey fucking asshole, life is definitly not a bed of roses. Not she don't want, but she can't. Try to understand her. You're the one who made her become like this. Did she ever blame on you?

You're the one who created those fucking trouble. She work so hard for you. Do you know? I really want to know, what is she to you? Fucking asshole, you're not the first time made her sad, made me angry and mad!! Don't hurt her, please. Just learn to appreciate. Care her more. Learn to appreciate those women beside you.

Maybe you won't know im so mad about this now. But i think is the best thing and way to vent my anger out. Ya, my article is full of fucking words. So what?! Its just my crap. Im kinda temperamental taday. I just can't calm myself down. Whatever you scolded her, she listened intently with the patience of a saint. Don't treat her like a nonentity. She will never retaliate you back.

I told her to retaliate, but she just ignore me. Why? Because she really care about you. Oh, i guess i should control myself. I just stop here, prevent i say anything amiss. Last word again, learn to appreciate.

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