Finally settled down everything that has been bugging me recently. My grandma requested to send her to nursing home as everyone has to work. My aunts came back from England for two weeks. They just left on the 28th of April.
Last Saturday was Hui Yee's birthday.Mum, Aunt Yam and Xin Yee went to Malacca to celebrate her very first birthday. So me and Aunt Chin looked after AhPo.
I was cleaning the house until 3pm. That's was a great chance for cleaning cause nobody was around to disturb me. My phone buzzed. Lum called me said that AhPo was looking for me. After cleaning myself, packed all the things i needed as i have to sleep there for a night and went to AhPo's house. That's the time i lost my clip that Jho gave me as my birthday present! Hmph!!
When i reached there, she was sleeping. Then i unpacked all my things and.."Ooh!! I forget to on the light!" *My mum ordered before leaving*
Walked back, scanned the road but still can't find it. On the light, walked back again. Back to AhPo's house, looked at the phone. One missed call.-FoongMei!!!
Called her back, and she came to find me. She went to AhPo's house to fetch me and back to my house AGAIN!!! Have a great chat with her. Sharing her college life and our usual talk! Around 4 or 5 something, no electricity. Such obstacle cant stop our mouth. Chatted until 6.30pm, she went back to have dinner. That's the last stop of going in and out of my house.LOL! Crap!
Ok, nothing to do. No electricity= no TV = no entertainment. Aunt Chin was using laptop. The only appliance that was functioning was my phone!!
Camwhoring time! *Just ignore the yuckiness* LOL..nothing to do ma!

Dinner time, AhPo doesn't wanna eat rice. Decided to buy her some porridge. Well the most interesting part, nobody was around. A car parked nicely but a driver with license-but-never-drive. Ok, i have to admit that i hate manual car.
However, God blessed me for sure! Grandpa was back!! He sat beside me cause i said i wanna try. In the end, I was driving all the way till the road before the slope down to the main road.
No electricity, no traffic light! I DONT DARE!!
Whole Kampar was out of electricity. Went to market to buy porridge. Darkness everywhere, yeah with tiny little light from the candles.
Ok settled dinner. Taadaa~~ lights!!
Bla bla bla...PIG TIME!
"Ah Chin! Ah Chin!!"
Ahhh!! Jumped off the bed, its AhPo. Aunt Chin and me ran down. And what we saw??!!
AhPo was sitting on the chair! *Shocked*
Erm..since she fell down. She need people to support her when she walk. But she was sitting on the chair? Walked out from her room?
I don't know how to put in words. But definitely gave me and Aunt Chin a shocked.
Back to sleep.
What a horrendous day.
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